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Compare international money transfer exchange rates and fees
How does it work?
The fastest way to find the smartest deal
Join over 100,000 monthly users saving thousands by finding and comparing exchange rates and fees for their next international transfers. All it takes is a few taps or clicks to compare and select the lowest fees and rates available.
Not all rates are born equal
At Exiap, we keep things nice and simple. Because every money transfer provider has different exchange rates and fees, finding the best deal can be a minefield. That's where we step in. We bring together all your options, highlight the bank transfer fees and rates per provider, and show you the best possible deals. With all the information in one place, you'll know you're making the right choice for your back pocket and peace of mind.
Send money to over a 100 countries
Join over 100,000 monthly users saving thousands by finding and comparing exchange rates and fees for their next international transfers. All it takes is a few taps or clicks to compare and select the lowest fees and rates available.
Find the best travel money deals
We don't just do international transfers.
On Exiap, you can compare the best rates for travel money in the UK. See the latest exchange rates from high-street travel money staples like Post Office and Travelex and compare the rates between travel money cards like the Wise card and FairFX prepaid card. We cover currencies for the most popular destinations for UK holidaymakers, including Euros, Turkish Lira and others.